Margaret Metcalf:
Former patient
representative and financial counselor at one of Oakland County’s
largest hospitals for fifteen years prior to founding IMN in 1986.
Her pre-IMN responsibilities included the verification of all third
party payors as well as completing the Medicaid application process.
As president of IMN, Ms. Metcalf personally directs the corporate
day-to-day activities focusing on a more personal and humane
approach to Medicaid/Medicare application process. Ms. Metcalf also
reviews the verification of third party payor information; ensures
that all IMN services are tailored to meet each hospital’s unique
requirements; coordinates the placement of IMN personnel within each
facility and oversees all operational support systems.
Vice President
Mr. Mayer has been
employed with IMN since its inception in 1986. He has thirty years
of experience in the health care field and twenty six years in
management Mr. Mayer is responsible for the overall operation of IMN
which includes providing in-service training seminars to IMN
clients, acts as liaison between IMN and its clients and ensures the
appropriateness and timeliness of the application process. He is
also responsible for the Personnel and Human Resources divisions of
Manager /Social Security & Third Party Payor Specialist
Prior to IMN, Ms.
Balakian was formerly employed by one of Southeastern Michigan’s
larger hospitals for seven years as a Patient
Representative/Financial Counselor. Ms. Balakian had extensive
experience with the Medicaid/Social Security application process.
Ms. Balakian has worked with IMN for the past twenty four years. She
has worked on-site within several hospitals during her twenty four
year tenure. Ms. Balakian is responsible for managing the every day
processing of the patient representative Medicaid and Third party
payor applications. Ms. Balakian has been working onsite at St
Joseph Oakland for the past four (4) years.
Virginia Sutcliffe:
Medicaid Supervisor/ Company Trainor
Ms. Sutcliffe has been
employed with IMN since 2005. Her responsibilities include; training
of the IMN staff on all phases of Medicaid and Third party payors,
prescreening patients for Medicaid or any other possible third party
payor. Ms. Sutcliffe will also complete required home visits for
those patient that require further assistance in the processing of
their application. Ms. Sutcliffe also works onsite at St. Joseph Ann
Arbor Emergency Room.
Field Representative
With no previous
experience, Mr. Williams, was trained on-site by IMN in 2009 and now
has developed into IMN’s top Field Representative with his
understanding of the Medicaid /Social Security application process.
He is also Independent Medical Network’s Liaison in discussing
patient issues with the Michigan Department of Human Services. Mr.
Williams was promoted to the position of supervisor through his
quick understanding of the Medicaid/Social Security application